Learn It: To get started quickly, check out our guide to the popular game of Cricket, or review the full list of the best dart games. You can play a few games of Cricket quietly in the corner with your buddies, join a league and learn the 01 games, or just throw some darts by yourself while enjoying a pint.
That’s mainly because it is one of the best – if not the best – bar or pub game. The game of Darts gets a lot of coverage on this website. View all posts related to the game of pool. Learn it: For tips, practice guides, equipment reviews and more, check out our complete guide on how to play pool. But there are some other fun pool games to play at the bar, including 9-ball, cutthroat, bumper pool or one of these lesser known billiards games. The most popular game that’s played in bars and on home tables is eight-ball. This was because billiards tables were commonly set up in betting parlors to kill time between horse races. Billiards began as a game among the leisure class back in the late 15 th century, and it later became known as “pool” (as in a type of bet) in the late 18 th century. Pool, aka pocket billiards, is the granddaddy of all bar games. They’re always fun and never go out of style.
When you think of classic bar games, these are probably the first ones to come in mind.